
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Starting Out

Well...been meaning to do this for a while.  Set up another site for media reviews - books, movies, music, etc - whatever catches my eye.

Nothing fancy, nothing super detailed.  I watch a lot of stuff, read a lot (less lately, but meaning to catch up), listen to a lot...and I need the writing practice.  So, for what it's worth, these'll probably just be smaller, capsule type reviews.  Maybe set up some recommendation links and other things along the way....we'll see how often I put something up here.

For starters - this link hosts *most* of my movie collection.  See something you're interested in hearing about - maybe not much about it up on - post a note and I'll see what I can put together for you.

Alternatively - this link hosts quite a few of my books - although most of them are currently in storage in the mainland - should have access to them later this year - but certainly up for a discussion about any of them (haven't necessarily read all of them all the way through at the moment) - and it's also missing a few titles.


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